Posts by Topic: computer

VCF East 2024 Part 1
VCF East 2024 Part 1

28 Apr 2024

Description: Ryan and Rich jump on making a podcast on the way back from VCF East. Listen to our adventures on Day 1 and 3. Day 2 will be .. to be continued in the next episode. Please excuse Rich as he was so pumped from...

Clickty Clack
Clickty Clack

10 Apr 2024

How do you retro? Ryan and Rich review their individual preferences for restoring retro equipment .. and guess what they do not agree. Keyboards and those magical input devices are so amazon but such a pain when they do not work but repair is half the fun. CrimeCon...

Double Digits
Double Digits

22 Mar 2024

Join Ryan and Rich as they talk about upcoming conventions Magfest, VCF get togethers and dumb stuff Rich buys a new fun segment. Links from the show: Magfest System Source DFW Retro Group HighShelfCollective Amiga Bill Listen on Apple Podcast Listen on Spotify ...

Happy New Year 2024
Happy New Year 2024

19 Feb 2024

Rich and Ryan talk about the holidays. The projects we have been working on and Rich has an adventure. Links from the show: C16 Unboxing Ryan’s BLOG Chris Edwards Oscilloscope build Germany Computer Museum Listen on Apple Podcast Listen on Spotify ...

Core Wars
Core Wars

29 Jan 2024

Rich and Ryan train their warriors to battle. How do their warriors do??? Talk a little bit how things work and then let the battles begin! Links from the show: Video of the PodCast Core War Strategies Core War Guide Listen on Apple Podcast Listen on Spotify ...